Chetana Lauren Barkan - Tao of Gratitude | Tao of Gratitude Private Retreats by Chetana Lauren Barkan
Each session will draw from my integrative toolbox which consists of Biodynamic Breathwork & Trauma Release System, a variety of therapeutic bodywork techniques, somatic & felt sense experiencing, aquatic sessions (weather & facilities permitted), silent & active meditations, self inquiry ~ self awareness ~ gratitude exercises, coaching/counseling.
Chetana Lauren Barkan, Trauma Release for Women, Tao of Gratitude, Healing, Training, Breath, BBTRS
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Private Trauma Release Retreats






Over the course of 3-5 days, we will live side by side in a rented space, comfortably equipped to separately house the both of us in a beautiful, nurturing location of our choosing. We will hire a personal chef to organically prepare our daily, healthy, light, vegetarian and nourishing meals.

We will fill the days with a morning meditation, 2 daily therapeutic sessions of 90-120 minutes each, our 3 healthy vegetarian meals plus quiet time for further contemplation and integration which may include and not limited to: journaling, drawing/crafting, silent nature walks, music, meditation.


Each session will draw from my integrative toolbox which consists of Biodynamic Breathwork & Trauma Release System®, a variety of therapeutic bodywork techniques, somatic & felt sense experiencing, aquatic sessions (weather & facilities permitted), silent & active meditations, self inquiry ~ self awareness ~ gratitude exercises, coaching/counseling.


We will approach each therapeutic session with what is alive and appropriate in that moment yet with careful consideration of what was identified, investigated into and resolved in the previous session. This will allow and support a fluid momentum of continuous, deepening progress towards remembering who you are as a balanced, stable, integrated being living in the heart of gratitude and love.


Breathwork in combination with therapeutic bodywork will re-connect you to your felt senses and access & release stress and tension in the form of stored trauma from the musculature & cellular memory of the nervous system by completing the interrupted fight/flight response &/or melting the freeze response. We will primarily focus on the throat, heart and pelvic regions. When these 3 regions/chakras are blocked, either separately or in combination, the ability to consciously understand & connect fully to life, ourselves and to others is quite compromised.

When you open to your throat, you will:

~ comfortably trust in your authentic, truthful communication skills
~ gracefully & lovingly speak your honest yes & no in each moment
~ formulate clear thoughts & express yourself in any situation
~ access your creativity and joy

When you open to your heart, you will:

~ find forgiveness
~ practice empathy & compassion
~ understand vulnerability as a great teacher & gift
~ cultivate sincere “right” relating
~ live in love and gratitude for what is, as it is

When you open to your pelvis, you will:

~ meet your basic primal needs provided by your own self-care and self-love (love, connection, belonging, safety, trust, survival)
~ restore a grounded, centered free flow of life force to your energetic/nervous system
~ support further opening & connection to the aspects of the throat
~ experience a balance of femininity & masculinity
~ feel more tenderness
~ access your creativity, joy and awakened sexuality

Dates: TBD

Location: TBD


Cost: $400 per day includes;
~ One hour morning meditation
~ Two (90-120) minute therapeutic sessions


PLUS all housing, meals & travel expenses for the retreat


Looking forward to meeting you there ~


“Chetana, I met you 1.5 years ago at a group training in Moscow. And I had little opportunity to work with you personally. But even during that short time that we managed to communicate, I felt a lot of love and support. Since then, I began to dream of working individually with you. The universe heard me, and in May 2018 I came to Bali.

My childhood and youth were not simple, there was physical violence from my parents, absence of love and rejection, sexual violence since childhood, then unhappy love and to top it all, a very complicated relationship with my husband. The bouquet of my injuries was very serious. Last 2 years I worked a lot on my pain, and of course, psychologically, I moved very seriously towards love. But the uneven tension in the body remained very strong, and many questions were completely unclear and painful.

In 5 days of individual work with you, I lived an entire life, and not even one. Thanks to your strong and gentle hands and kind heart, I was born anew, and this in the literal sense. Practice in water allowed me to live and feel through the process of my birth, but in a soft and harmonious environment. This is a very powerful and profound work. With your support, from that moment on I began to rewrite my story. The first major change occurred in the water practice. I finally let myself be! Really glad that on the day we did 2 practices, and the process was continuous. Without you, without your support and 100% trust, my psyche simply would not stand such a deep immersion in the depths of the subconscious. Only because your hands were always there, I could completely go into the process and move through the labyrinth of my injuries. I knew and felt that you would not let me fall, and you would nourish me with power and love.

Thanks to you, I was able to transform fear into acceptance and love, while remaining in the full memory and consciousness of my painful stories. I could breathe deeply and fully into my chest!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Chetana, you have opened a new world for me!”

Svetlana ~ Russia

“The person who turns inner violence around, the person who finds peace inside and lives it, is the one who teaches what true peace is. We are waiting for just one teacher. You’re the one.” ~ Byron Katie