Chetana Lauren Barkan - Tao of Gratitude | BioDynamic Breathwork & Trauma Release System (BBTRS)
BBTRS skillfully combines specific breath techniques, therapeutic touch, gentle emotional expression, conscious movement, sound, and meditation. This fully experiential training is carefully designed to break through layers of protective body armoring, releasing mental, emotional & physical resistance and stress from the cellular memories of your nervous system.
BioDynamic Breathwork, Trauma Release System, BBTRS, Breath, Chetana Lauren, Gitten
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BioDynamic Breathwork
& Trauma Release System®

BBTRS® is built on a new revolutionary approach to trauma release. It skillfully combines specific breath techniques, therapeutic touch, gentle emotional expression, conscious movement, sound, and meditation. This fully experiential training is carefully designed to break through layers of protective body armoring, releasing mental, emotional & physical resistance and stress from the cellular memories of your nervous system.


As a result, you will intimately reconnect with your true self, others and your longing for an open heart.


BBTRS may reduce and clear one’s deeply imprinted primal, religious and societal conditioning. You will experience the full range of felt sensations and emotions, while expanding your capacity for self realization. This work restructures at a cellular level which will free the **spine and expand your capacity to contain and support the free flow of your natural energy; ultimately transforming you into being more present and conscious in your life. You will open to a deeper acceptance of yourself and others, while celebrating life in its fullest.

** The spine is part of our nervous system and responsible for delivering all messages from the nerves to the brain. It is the source of all our energy; crossing at each chakra point and containing our central energy channel, which runs from the base of the spine to the crown of our heads.

Please see to submit your application to join us on this profound journey. You will also find the full training description, curriculum and all of our upcoming BBTRI events & trainings.


“Attending the BBTRS workshop in Sedona was one of, if not the, most transformative experience of my life. The array of skill sets, personalities and cultures represented at the workshop was amazing. It was a petrie dish of diverse knowledge that grew together and formed one loving organism through the sharing of open hearts and minds. I feel honored to be part of the BBTRS tribe.

Giten is the man. He is humble and compassionate… as authentic as any person could be. His knowledge is complimented by a heartfelt sense of humor that lightens the air and allows for the density of the work he created to penetrate deeply into the minds and hearts of his students. Chetana carries the grounding force of Mother Earth. She is a pelvis guru who’s love, acceptance and willingness to help others is deeply nurturing and valuable beyond words. Her dedication to this work and her clients deserves huge praise, much love and respect. Thank you!

What I find most admirable about Giten and Chetana is their authenticity and dedication to their own personal growth. They do their work.. it’s not just a workshop or a set of exercises to them. It’s a lifestyle that they truly love, live, and share with everyone around them. I feel so blessed to be a student of this work.

The changes I have witnessed within myself and my clients are nothing short of miraculous. These techniques are profound in their simplicity and strength. They promote healing and transformation to the deepest levels of your being. If you are hearing the call to be a student of this work, buckle up and enjoy the ride! This is a serious healing modality that commands respect.”

Stephen ~ Rhode Island

“While trauma can be hell on earth, trauma resolved is a gift of the gods-a heroic journey that belongs to each of us”~ Peter Levine